Your Host


Hey There

I'm Ramona, but most of my friends call me Momo. Much like the rest of my site this is still a massive WIP, but I wanted to set aside a space for you to get to know me a bit better.

nicknames: Ram, Momo, Mona, Mo
age: 26
pronouns: They/She/He
location: Detroit, MI
discord: hamsahoney

I associate pretty closely with angels and androids...I really like sitcoms with strong, platonic bromances and sad rap music. I work from home, which gives me time to tinker with things like Neocities in my spare time.

I've never really felt too attached to the idea of "personhood," and I feel pretty disconnected from things a lot of the time. That's why I'm making this a safe space to exist as whatever I am. I absolutely adore manga, and have a desparate need for more shelves to stop it from overflowing into the hall.

I'm an open book, please feel free to reach out any time!


The Most:





  -Night Walks

  -Figure Skating

  -Loafing Around




  -Mount & Blade


  -Yakui the Maid


  -Denzel Curry



  -Death Valley
